Many of you who will be reading this are very familiar with the story of Throttled but for those who stumbled upon on us, you are in for a treat. Having grown up racing Stock Outboards a most of my young life, I have had a pleasure of traveling a majority of the United States, spending my weekends with my parents traveling race to race. Having the opportunity to meet and make friends from all across the country and learn valuable life skills each weekend, I owe a lot to this sport.
After a brief hiatus during my college years, 2017 was the year of my return. We resumed the same lifestyle, which we put on hold for a few seasons and raced from April to October with hardly any weekends off. In the mist of that season, we rekindled a lot of friendships and made many new ones. When we went into the 2018 season, I set out to race every weekend I could and make it my best season to date. During the 2018 season, I felt there was a void in our sport. While there was some activity on social media regarding racing, our sport as a whole was behind on the times. My first idea came before the National Meeting in Chicago, where I planned on writing a class by class preview of drivers and printing the 10 page pamphlet out and mailing them to anyone who had interest in such a thing. That plan soon fell to the side and I found myself racing every weekend again.
Now here is where the podcast comes into play. My good friend and cohost of the podcast Mikey Pavlick and myself were both racing every weekend and keeping close tabs on each other, which would lead to multiple phone calls a week discussing current racing topics and mostly talking about some of the nonsense we would come across on facebook or other social media outlets related to racing. Most of our conversations were pretty interesting and with the slight humor involved, I thought some people might be interested in hearing what we had to say as two up and coming drivers. After listening to a bunch of podcasts during my travels, I figured it couldn't be that hard. We knew we had an audience, we just had to capture them and give them content which would bring them back each week. I spent a few days researching and prepping and one day I called Mikey and told him that we would be going live that night. Not really sure what either of us were getting into, it felt like it had to be done.
The first episode was a gamble, as we were not sure if anyone would actually tune in. To our surprise, we went live and names started showing up in the sidebar and we now had an audience. To date we have had 41 live episodes on Mixlr, with 5,016 total listens and 154 active followers. The idea behind the blog is to put some of our ideas down in text, allow racers and fans to read up on daily news as well as have other racers join the Throttled team by becoming writers on the page. Its going to be another adventure and I thank you for all of the support