What is your name?
Matt D'Agostino.
How did you get involved in boat racing?
I got involved in boat racing when my mom remarried in 1971 to my stepdad Bill Kneeland, who was a boat racer and car racer since 1945.
When and where was your first race?
My first boat race was Hanson, Mass in 1971. I flipped in ASH as a Rookie. Went onto win the SSOA Saddle that year at 13 years old.
What classes have you raced?
I have raced. Stock, MOD and PRO. Mostly CSH-DSH in Stock Outboard.
Who have you looked up to in the sport?
I looked up to my stepdad Bill Kneeland and Clark Maloof growing up in New England.
Favorite race?
My favorite race site is Dayton, Ohio.
Greatest accomplishment in racing?
Guess my single greatest accomplishment was in 1989 winning 3 Stock Outboard National Championships at Lawrenceville, PA and clinching the World Championship Merc Challenge Titles at that race in DSH and 25ssh. That year was my second HOC Induction.
What are some activities you enjoy outside of racing?
Outside of boat racing I enjoy working on race boats and motors in the winter.
Best Advice?
Best advice to new and old racers is a quote I remember from the one and only Ron Hill.." START IN FRONT AND IMPROVE YOUR POSITION".
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