What is your name? Samantha Fairbairn (Sam)
How did you get involved in boat racing?
My dad raced for years before I was born and up until I was three years old. It’s been part of my life forever - specifically Top O. It was one of those things where if I didn’t do it, it would be a shock.
When and where was your first race? Top O’ 2011 in ASR. My mom forbid me to race until I was 18 because of the fear she had around my dads accident. Her reasoning was at 18, it was 100% my error if I got in a wreck or injured
What classes have you raced?
ASR, BSR, and 15SSR.
Who have you looked up to in the sport?
SO many people! Obviously my dad, he’s my coach, mentor, and pain in the butt, but I wouldn’t be able to do this without him.
Don Voisin, such a legend and wealth of knowledge in all classes.
Peter Lauer - who doesn’t look up to him or at least level with him in the scope of advice, knowledge, kindness, and willingness to help every single one of us get better AKA beat him
Amy Sweeney - a mom, a bad ass boat racer, super knowledgeable, a coach in all aspects, and a riot to be around. She’s literally the kind of person I want to be when I “grow up” ❤️
Favorite race?
Marathon - Top O, obviously
Short Course - Wakefield (so far) branching out more this summer to other races - I’ve heard Lock Haven is pretty great too
Greatest accomplishment in racing?
Winning Top O’ in 2017 and beating Peter in an ASR short course race. I won’t talk it down, I felt pretty great after doing that ONCE since he’s a racer that I always look up to and strive to be competitive against.
What are some activities you enjoy outside of racing?
I love to garden, read, cook, and like most people, have an unhealthy relationship with Netflix in the winter.
Best Advice?
Stay. In. The. Boat.